How can we design an exhibition form that enhances the sensory experience and understanding of the exhibition content for blind audiences?

<aside> 💡 TL;DR I prototyped a product for blind people to enhance their museum visiting experience. It consists of a pair of smart gloves that provide haptic feedback to present exhibitions. When users touch the surface of virtual exhibits in a fixed space, the gloves are triggered and render the shapes of the virtual exhibits. This helps visitors feel and better understand the exhibits.



My journey started from noticing a group of blind students touring at Human Museum. Observing their frustrating experience at museum has prompted me to reconsider inclusion in museums and haunted me to spend few months at museum and school labs exploring alternative exhibition methods that are more accessible to more people. :)

<aside> 📌 Thesis Background


Understanding existing service models, the journey of blind visitors, and non-visual learning patterns


How do blind visitors learn at museum currently?